We save settings as your preferred language and currency, and contents of your shopping bag, in a sp-called cookie on your own machine. If you also use our Log in, with a selv-chosen access code, also your personal data will be saved there. These data will disappear automatically if you don't use our site in a longer period of time. You can read more about cookies further down in this page.
The order form contains a number of fields, which must be entered, before the form can be send. If your data on this page are wrong or missing, we have no way of contacting you about the order. The order data will only be sent to the bookseller, where you order the book.
Creditcard details are kept in at most 3 days and only concern the current order. Payment will first be drawn after sending the ordered item(s). Not all participants accept all card types.
The data you enter under Wants, are stored with us. These data will be deleted after at most 2 years or upon offer, and are available only to the participating booksellers
More about cookies
Cookies enable our server to save a limited amount of data in your browser. These data are sent forth and back every time you retrieve information from our server. These typically are data which make the site easier to use, like setting of language and currency, and the contents of your shopping bag. Your cookie has a limited duration and will automatically expire, if you don't use our site in a longer period of time.
Your browser is set up to support cookies. You have the possibility to enable and disable cookies in your browser. See the documentation for your browser, try a search via Google on "(browsername) cookies".